Rising 11-12th graders (CITs 9th-10th graders)

Ready to laugh and learn A LOT??

Serve as a Camp Counselor during this year’s Camp LiveGirl. Campers will be divided into diverse teams for the purposes of bonding and leadership activities. Camp Counselors will be assigned a team and will stay with their team during all activities.

The three weeks of camp will take place at St. Luke’s School in New Canaan, CT. Please reach out to with any questions. This is a VOLUNTEER position, but a tremendous leadership development opportunity and resume builder.  


Mandatory Camp LiveGirl Training Date TBA (at location of camp)

Camp dates & time commitment:

Week 1 |July 8-12 at St. Luke’s School|8:00-4:30pm (10 counselor spots available, 8 CIT spots)

Week 2 |July 15th-19th at St. Luke’s School|8:00-4:30pm (10 counselor spots available, 8 CIT spots)

Week 3 |July 22nd-26th at St. Luke’s School|8:00-4:30pm (10 counselor spots available, 8 CIT spots)


  • A diverse, rewarding leadership experience

  • Guidance and responsibility while with working with young girls in a fun, supportive environment

  • Leadership training

  • Experience for future work and volunteer experience

  • Letter of reference (upon request) for applications for jobs, or volunteer positions

  • A chance to engage with other girls your age in a collaborative environment

Apply Now:

*Applications accepted on a rolling basis and closes June 10th*

Being a mentor and camp counselor for LiveGirl has helped me become a better and more confident version of myself. Leading a diverse group is challenging and has pushed me out of my comfort zone in the best way possible. First, finding a way to connect with girls from all different backgrounds is a great learning experience, but then to be able to help foster relationships between each of the girls is where lives are really changed. To witness the girls’ growth during camp is powerful. These middle school girls are gaining self confidence and the power to believe in themselves and support one another. To know this progression is greatly because of the guidance and support you show for them is extremely rewarding.

— Katie Kurz, HS Leader